Danone and BIOBank: Customer Testimonials

Sample storage plays a vital role in several industries, with many samples being stored at -80oC to maintain sample integrity and generate accurate data. Here at Froilabo, we understand the importance of a reliable freezer for your samples, which is why we provide low power consumption freezers with excellent performance.

But don’t just take our word for it: read the two customer testimonials below from Danone, a food manufacturing company, and Biobank, a biological sample storage company who regularly use Froilabo freezers to maintain sample integrity and protect their high-value samples.


Well-known  in the food industry, Danone have a mission to bring health through food and drink to as many people as possible. To achieve this, they are building a healthier world by creating healthy and delicious products, including yoghurt, plant-based milk, ice cream and powdered proteins.

Danone rely on -80oC freezers to maintain the integrity of their samples. Since they are working with food products, it is important to have no compromise on performance. To ensure this, Danone regularly use Froilabo freezers for their high-value samples. We provide robust freezers with a low power consumption and high performance. Currently, Danone have several Bio Memory freezers, which they use to store sachets and boxes of ferments.

When discussing Froilabo products with Danone, they said  “we enjoy the reliability of Froilabo equipment, and the relationship we have with the Froilabo team”. Overall, Froilabo provides the ideal product for their requirements, with excellent performance and reliability.


BIOBank are a biological sample storage company based in France. They specialise in bone grafts and are the only tissue bank to offer pre-machined bone grafts, which are perfectly adaptable to a patient’s bone anatomy. BioBank aim to be at the forefront of innovation and are revolutionising bone reconstruction.

BIOBank rely on -80oC freezers to maintain the integrity of their human tissue and bone samples. To ensure safety of grafts, it is vital to ensure consistent quality of tissues and processed products, and one of the most important aspects of maintaining integrity is sample storage. Biobank rely on Froilabo freezers to protect their highly valuable samples. At present they have: 16 Bio memory freezers, Evolution freezers and Trust freezers with the cyroaccumulator option which they use to store femur heads from living donors.

When discussing Froilabo products with BioBank, they said “we use Froilabo freezers as we appreciate their reliability, robustness, and stability of the products.”

Discover the Froilabo Freezers

To learn more about Froilabo freezer performances, read our technical note, « Lab Freezer Performance » which describes our freezer pull down time, temperature homogeneity, and freezer performance during power outages.